Sunday, January 1, 2012

Can varnish be used to protect cheap boats from rot?

I'm trying to build an extremely small cheap plywood boat and because of this I don't want to spend too much money on something to keep it rot-free. Can you use varnish from a hardware store for a cheap boat (needs to last only 1 or more years) to protect it from rotting out and uv rays and such.|||Pretty much anything is always better than nothing.

With varnish you keep putting it on until you get the finish you are after, at least four coats or more, rubbing down between coats. The directions on the tin are probably correct....

I have used house paint and all sorts of stuff over the years for tenders and such that are not in the water all the time.

The real issue is to keep the water out of the timber - it's all personal preference after that!

Good luck.|||Use oil base polyurethane - two or three coats should be fine.|||I would use wood sealer...Don

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