Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ravan was visiting India before marriage of Ram. Ravan surely used boats etc. to enter into big land.?

Why Ram etc. not made / hired boats in emergency? Making pul is very lengthly, time consuming process and is not adviseable in emergency. Why Ravan sena allowed Ram etc. to make bridge, if any? Ravan had best navy.|||Ram's Wanar sena was huge, hence getting boat for everybody isnot possible ...........and if they go in parts than Ravan can easily kill them

making pul is lengthy, but safe as they all are together and its not easy for Ravan to kill complete sena .

And my dear friend Ravan has not allowed Ram to build that time Ravan alone can come cross sea and he alone could not fight full he has nothing other than wait ....for ram sena to arrive and fight.|||And what my friend do you suggest they would have made boats with. They were in exile with just the cloths on their back. And it would have taken them years to build them in order to get on them and go, by that time either Sita would have committed harakari or married the brute. As for the Ravna, he is the first known case of cross ocean flight. He had a real cool flying machine, that is how he travelled (according to the book). Haven't heard of Navies in those times.|||Ravan used the oldest version of aeroplane. It is called Pushpaka viman.According to me Ravan is the inventor of Aeroplane, not Right brothers!|||He had 'Mayavi Powers' to change appearance/fly and also had the 'flying rath' used to carry off Sita to Lanka.|||ravan had many magical power he did not any boat to visit any where|||he used pushpak vimaan boats for that large army was not easy to make and they would have taken long time|||if ram killed ravana early, then there is no story to tell.|||ravanan had pushpaka viman

from shiva which he could use to fly

think yaar : )

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