Sunday, January 1, 2012

When Was The Last Time The Rangers Used The Marine Boats?

All I know is D-day.

Also writing when the last time the army used it will be nice.|||The army still has boat companies

Basic Job Description 88K Watercraft operator

Ocean going harbor craft are often used to support operations throughout the continental United States and overseas. It's up to members of the Army watercraft team to navigate, pilot, and maintain these watercraft. Watercraft operators are part of a piloting team using electronic positioning systems, handheld navigation tools, and traditional watch standing procedures aboard many of the Army's watercraft. Watercraft Operators are primarily responsible for navigation, cargo operations and supervising other Soldiers on Army watercraft.

The navy calls the LCI (landing craft infantry) we called them Mike boats

They were used by the United States Navy and Army during the Vietnam War. They also saw use during Operation Just Cause in Panama as well as Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm. Three Army LCM-8s served in the 1992-1993 US mission to Somalia and a platoon of LCM-8s from the 1098th Trans Co. deployed to Port-au-Prince for the Haitian invasion (1994). The United States Army Reserve's 464th Transportation Company assisted the United States Coast Guard in patrolling the Potomac River after the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

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